Category: Noisy pool pump
Is Noise From Your A/C or Pool Equipment A Problem For Your Community?
If noise from a/c or pool equipment is making you miserable, we can help. Before we invented QUIET FENCE™ there was no easy affordable solution for loud noisy air conditioners and pool equipment. The founders of Quiet Fence were experiencing that roaring, humming, and start-up clicking sounds not only from their a/c but from their…
What Can I Do About The Loud A/C Pool Pump & Pool Heater?
Pool pump, pool heater, and A/C equipment can be very loud. You may be asking, “What can I do”? Is it the buzzing, or the humming, or the whining sound that is making you lose sleep? Is it the start up click-on sound that instantly makes you open your eyes, and now that’s all you…
What are decibels and how are they measured?
The decibel (abbreviated dB) is the unit used to measure the intensity of sound. The human ear is very sensitive and can hear everything from a pin drop to a jet engine thousands of feet in the air. On the decibel scale the smallest audible sound (near silence) is 0 dB. A sound 1,000 times…